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Installing extensions in web browsers can provide some very useful features. However, if you install a lot of extensions in multiple browsers, you might forget which you installed in which. We have an easy solution if you use Chrome, Firefox, and/or Internet Explorer.

在网络浏览器中安装扩展程序可以提供一些非常有用的功能。 但是,如果您在多个浏览器中安装了许多扩展程序,则可能会忘记在哪个浏览器中安装了哪些扩展程序。 如果您使用Chrome,Firefox和/或Internet Explorer,我们有一个简单的解决方案。

BrowserAddonsView is a free tool from Nirsoft that lists the details of all add-ons, extensions, and plug-ins installed in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer (IE). Besides reminding you which extensions are installed in which browsers, this tool also allows you to export the list to a text file which you can back up on an external hard drive or cloud service. This provides a record of which extensions you had installed if you’re having problems with your browser and need to , or if you need to reinstall the browser on a different machine.

BrowserAddonsView是Nirsoft提供的免费工具,它列出了安装在Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer(IE)中的所有加载项,扩展名和插件的详细信息。 除了提醒您在哪些浏览器中安装了哪些扩展程序之外,该工具还允许您将列表导出到文本文件,然后将其备份到外部硬盘驱动器或云服务上。 如果浏览器出现问题并且需要将其 ,或者需要在其他计算机上重新安装浏览器,则该记录会记录您已安装了哪些扩展程序。

and extract the .zip file. The program does not need to be installed. To run it, simply double-click on the BrowserAddonsView.exe file.

并解压缩.zip文件。 该程序不需要安装。 要运行它,只需双击BrowserAddonsView.exe文件。


When you run BrowserAddonsView, it automatically scans your PC for all the installed extensions, add-ons, and plug-ins for Chrome, Firefox, and IE. For each item, the Addon Type is shown, as well as the Name, Web Browser, Status (Enabled or Disabled), Version, and other details. BrowserAddonsView even shows hidden extensions, add-ons, and plug-ins that are not shown in the browser’s extension manager. This make BrowserAddonsView a very useful tool for finding and removing unwanted and suspicious extensions.

当您运行BrowserAddonsView时,它将自动在PC上扫描所有已安装的扩展程序,加载项和适用于Chrome,Firefox和IE的插件。 对于每个项目,都会显示插件类型,以及名称,Web浏览器,状态(启用或禁用),版本和其他详细信息。 BrowserAddonsView甚至显示浏览器的扩展管理器中未显示的隐藏扩展,加载项和插件。 这使BrowserAddonsView成为查找和删除不需要的和可疑扩展名的非常有用的工具。

You can view additional information about an extension by selecting it and clicking the “Properties” button. You can also select “Properties” from the File menu or right-click on the extension and select “Properties” from the popup menu.

您可以通过选择扩展名并单击“属性”按钮来查看其他信息。 您也可以从“文件”菜单中选择“属性”,或右键单击扩展名,然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。


The Properties dialog box displays all the same information as the columns on the main program window. What’s useful about the Properties dialog box is you can select and copy the information. For example, if you want to go to the homepage for the extension, you can select the Homepage URL value and pasted it into the address bar in your browser. Or, you can copy the path to the Profile Folder and paste it into File Explorer to access the profile in which the extension is installed. However, there is an easier way of opening the corresponding profile folder for an extension, which we will show you next. Click “OK” to close the Properties dialog box.

“属性”对话框显示的所有信息与主程序窗口中的列相同。 关于“属性”对话框,有用的是可以选择并复制信息。 例如,如果您要转到扩展的首页,则可以选择“首页URL”值并将其粘贴到浏览器的地址栏中。 或者,您可以将路径复制到“配置文件文件夹”并将其粘贴到“文件资源管理器”中,以访问安装了扩展名的配置文件。 但是,有一种更简单的方法来打开扩展的相应配置文件文件夹,我们将在下一步向您显示。 单击“确定”关闭“属性”对话框。


BrowserAddonsView tells you in which browser each extension is installed. But what if you have in Chrome and Firefox? In addition to the Profile Folder value on the Properties dialog box, as mentioned above, you can also find out in which profile an extension is installed by selecting the extension in the list and then selecting “Open Profile Folder” from the “File” menu.

BrowserAddonsView告诉您每个扩展程序安装在哪个浏览器中。 但是,如果您在Chrome和Firefox中有怎么办? 如上所述,除了“属性”对话框上的“配置文件文件夹”值外,您还可以通过在列表中选择扩展名,然后从“文件”菜单中选择“打开配置文件文件夹”,来找出扩展程序安装在哪个配置文件中。 。


You can also export the list to a file you can back up for future reference. The extensions are added to the file as they appear in BrowserAddonsView, so, we’re going to show a couple of ways you can customize what ends up in the file.

您也可以将列表导出到一个文件中,以备将来参考。 扩展名将按照它们在BrowserAddonsView中出现的方式添加到文件中,因此,我们将展示几种自定义文件结尾内容的方法。

By default, all the available columns of information are displayed. If there are some columns you don’t want to include in the exported file, you can hide them. To do so, select “Choose Columns” from the “File” menu.

默认情况下,显示所有可用的信息列。 如果您不想在导出的文件中包含某些列,则可以将其隐藏。 为此,请从“文件”菜单中选择“选择列”。


Select the check boxes for the columns you want to display, and de-select the boxes for the columns you want to get rid of. Click “OK” and the de-selected columns are removed.

选中要显示的列的复选框,然后取消选中要删除的列的复选框。 单击“确定”,取消选择的列。


The extensions are listed in the resulting file in the same order as in BrowserAddonsView. However, you can change that order by clicking on a heading to sort all the items by that value. For example, if you want to order all the extensions in the exported file by name in ascending order, click once on the “Name” column heading. An arrow displays on the column heading either pointing up (ascending order, e.g., A-Z) or down (descending order, e.g., Z-A).

扩展名在结果文件中的列出顺序与BrowserAddonsView中的顺序相同。 但是,您可以通过单击标题以按该值对所有项目进行排序来更改该顺序。 例如,如果要按名称升序对导出文件中的所有扩展名进行排序,请在“名称”列标题上单击一次。 列标题上会显示一个箭头,指示向上(升序,例如AZ)或向下(降序,例如ZA)。


Now that you have your list set up the way you want it, select “Select All” from the “Edit” menu, or press Ctrl+A to select all the items. If you don’t want to save all the extensions to a file, you can select certain ones using the Shift and Ctrl keys, the same way you do in File (or Windows) Explorer.

现在,您已经按照自己的方式设置了列表,请从“编辑”菜单中选择“全选”,或者按Ctrl + A选择所有项目。 如果您不想将所有扩展名都保存到文件中,则可以使用Shift和Ctrl键来选择某些扩展名,就像在File(或Windows)资源管理器中一样。


To save the selected extensions to a file, select “Save Selected Items” from the “File” menu, or press Ctrl+S. You can also right-click on the selected items and select “Save Selected Items” from the popup menu.

要将所选扩展名保存到文件,请从“文件”菜单中选择“保存所选项目”,或按Ctrl + S。 您也可以右键单击所选项目,然后从弹出菜单中选择“保存所选项目”。


The Select a filename to save dialog box displays. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the list of extensions and enter a name for the file in the “File name” edit box.

显示“选择要保存的文件名”对话框。 导航到要保存扩展名列表的文件夹,然后在“文件名”编辑框中输入文件的名称。

You can save your list of extensions in various formats by selecting an option from the “Save as type” drop-down list. For example, the default “Text File (*.txt)” format lists each extension in its own section surrounded by double lines (equal signs). If you want to import your list into Excel, select “Comma Delimited Text File (*.csv)” option. You can also save the list as an HTML file in landscape format (the “HTML File – Horizontal (*.htm; *.html)” option) or portrait format (the “HTML File – Vertical (*.htm; *.html)” option).

您可以通过从“另存为类型”下拉列表中选择一个选项,以各种格式保存扩展名列表。 例如,默认的“文本文件(* .txt)”格式在其自己的部分中列出了每个扩展名,并用双线(等号)包围。 如果要将列表导入Excel,请选择“逗号分隔的文本文件(* .csv)”选项。 您还可以将列表另存为横向格式(“ HTML文件–水平(* .htm; * .html)”选项)或纵向格式(“ HTML文件–垂直(* .htm; * .html)”HTML文件)“ 选项)。

Click “Save”.



We saved our list of extensions as a text file and it looks like the following image.



If you have a very long list of extensions and want information about a specific one, you can search the list. To do this, click “Find” on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+F.

如果扩展名列表很长,并且想要有关特定扩展名的信息,则可以搜索该列表。 为此,请单击工具栏上的“查找”,或按Ctrl + F。


Enter the name, or part of the name, of the extension and click “Find Next”. The program highlights the first occurrence of that extension in the list. If you have the same extension installed in multiple browsers, click “Find Next” again to find the next occurrence.

输入扩展名或名称的一部分,然后单击“查找下一个”。 该程序在列表中突出显示该扩展名的第一个匹配项。 如果您在多个浏览器中安装了相同的扩展名,请再次单击“查找下一个”以查找下一个出现的扩展名。


Nirsoft’s webpage for BrowserAddonsView describes how to view the add-ons list for Chrome and Firefox web browsers on a remote computer on your network and from an external hard disk drive attached to your PC. This can be useful if you’re running a portable version of Chrome or Firefox on a USB flash drive.

Nirsoft的BrowserAddonsView网页描述了如何在网络上的远程计算机上以及从与PC相连的外部硬盘驱动器上查看Chrome和Firefox Web浏览器的加载项列表。 如果您要在USB闪存盘上运行可移植版本的Chrome或Firefox,这将很有用。

BrowserAddonsView provides a convenient way to manage all your Chrome, Firefox, and IE extensions in one program. Unfortunately, the program doesn’t allow you to enable, disable, uninstall, or make any other changes to the extensions. Those tasks must still be done in each web browser’s extensions manager.

BrowserAddonsView提供了一种在一个程序中管理所有Chrome,Firefox和IE扩展程序的便捷方法。 不幸的是,该程序不允许您启用,禁用,卸载或对扩展进行任何其他更改。 这些任务仍必须在每个Web浏览器的扩展管理器中完成。




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